Introducing F#-MWhy programmers speak English only? I get that we have largest market for that language, but why we teach children in foreign language?Nov 17, 2023Nov 17, 2023
Hybrid Blazor + NativeAOT = ❤️It’s been a while when I post something new and interesting. Why not give some love to Blazor too?Dec 23, 2022Dec 23, 2022
Dependency Injection for Native AOTI would try tell you how to cook DI in reflection-free mode of NativeAOT.Jun 17, 20221Jun 17, 20221
Library of RD.xml files for NativeAOTI did not wrote for too long. I probably has to catch up with news, or put some interesting content on the table.Feb 5, 20221Feb 5, 20221
ARM and leg for NativeAOTAfter all my travel across NativeAOT land, I became brave. I have one project, where I have Raspberry Pi 3 devices, and which run Blazor…Sep 2, 2021Sep 2, 2021
Life, F# and NativeAOTI decide to jump in more advanced world of F# who has loyal developer base. This language ecosystem proven to be problematic to NativeAOT…Jul 30, 20211Jul 30, 20211
Again WinForms and NativeAOTLet’s have a little talk about WinForms in NativeAOT context again. There two issues, one is FolderBrowserDialog and second is WebBrowser.Jul 18, 20211Jul 18, 20211
Docker and NativeAOTExtremely simple tutorial how to create scratch image for Docker in C#Jul 4, 2021Jul 4, 2021
Published inITNEXTDirectX in NativeAOTI’m always looking for diverse set of fun projects where I can show strengths of Native AOT. So today I will write about DirectX…Jun 21, 2021Jun 21, 2021
How do you use System.Drawing in NativeAOT?Out of the box, NativeAOT does not work with System.Drawing.Image class and friends. What to do? How to make it happy?Jun 4, 2021Jun 4, 2021
Clock Win32 application in NativeAOTWhile WinForms support forming it’s shape, I found nice library which allow create Win32 applications in C#May 31, 2021May 31, 2021
Status of WinForms in NativeAOTToday I would like to share my understanding of the status of WinForms and what’s left. I hope that WinForms would be working by that time…May 20, 2021May 20, 2021
Using COM in NativeAOTA lot of people trying to use WinForms or WPF in NativeAOT and immidiately hit the roadblock — COM is not supported by Native AOT…Apr 23, 20211Apr 23, 20211
Native AOT and databasesA lot of applications communicate with databases at this point of time. That’s undeniable fact. Also most people in .NET world do not use…Apr 1, 20211Apr 1, 20211
How NativeAOT/CoreRT pass command line parameters into C# code.Add support for command line parameters to custom .NET runtimeFeb 5, 2021Feb 5, 2021
Rd.xml in CoreRTUsing RD.xml to help ILCompiler find types which can be used for reflection in your AOT compiled applicationJan 31, 2021Jan 31, 2021
Running C# Snake inside UEFIWhen I see SeeSharpSnake from Michal Strehovský I was very inspired by possibilities, and that’s again revitalise my interest in CoreRT.Mar 24, 2020Mar 24, 2020